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Divorced with 6 month old son

Hello, I am reaching out to anyone for some advice. About 2 1/2 months ago my husband told me that he wanted a divorce. We have a six month old son. At the time he told me he wanted a divorce he was only four months old. I am working full-time and still in school to get my degree. I unfortunately still have to see him due to joint custody of my child. It is hard to still see him and have conversations with him as if nothing has happened.. I still love him vey much and no matter what he says or does I cannot stay angry with him. I am just at a loss and don't not know how to get over this.. our divorce will be finalized in two weeks and I still find myself some days begging for him to stay and asking him to try counseling. I feel like I take two steps forward only to be knocked down again.