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Re: Trying to be a good mom but I despise my ex

Thank you, E. We don't even have our heads above water as far as money goes. We don't have the money to pay any sort of retainer fee for an attorney unfortunately. I need to look for someone who would be willing to take the case pro bono.

Re: Trying to be a good mom but I despise my ex

Our predicament sounds simular. Mine came home in May and told me he was taking a job out of state. From June to now, my husband has seen our children (ages 12 & 10) 4 times. He has been with them since birth, how does a person go 4 and a half months and not see his children.
From June to September he paid some bills, but in October it all stopped. NO support for our daughter's in 6 months, and I filed for child support even before I filed for divorce.
I was not working when he left, I jumped from job to job, went to various charities just to keep electric and water going.
We had a electrical fire in our furnace and we were without heat for 2 and a half months. My husband did not offer any financial help, nor did his parents. He had not thought or concern for his children health safety or welfare.
Contact, if you have not done so, country, community and churches for help and support.
I hope you find the help you need.