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I am separated from my husband for 2 yrs now. He has moved on with his like in all ways. we barely speak much at all. He was my best friend and I miss him so much. We were together for 17 years. then he up and left without me knowing how unhappy he was in our marriage with no chance to fix it. He just walked away. I am so hurt in many ways because I do not understand how 1 can do that to a family. We have a child as well so we deal with each other for that but sometimes he just passes messages through our 5 yr old. He lives, works and spends his time all in a 5 mile radius of my house which is the one we bought together. He has moved in with a girl half his age 2 streets away but left almost all his belonging at my house. I have asked him to take them because its hard to look at let along still remain here but he refuses or says he has no where to put it all. He acts like my friend but at convenience to himself. Tells me how horrible his life is but why tell me? He helps financially which I am grateful so I try to be somewhat accommodating when he wants to see our child 1 day a week, his choice. I feel like I am at a standstill because he will not speak to me when I try to address what will happen next. He says he is to busy and doesn't know what he wants. I am not waiting for him but I don't know what to do because divorce isn't feasible right now for a few reasons. I feel very alone in all of this. I do have support but none of them have gone through it and just tell me to get over it so most just tend to stay away anymore.

Re: loniness

J: I would ask him to put his belongings in a storage facility or sell them or to give them away. Please see a Lawyer as soon as possible. Family Lawyers are best when kids are involved.

Re: loniness

I'm lonely too. My marriage has been 34 years and 39 years together. He's left for a younger woman. I have no idea how to fix myself. An suicidal.

Re: loniness

I understand where you are. Please don't do that you are important. if you want to talk please let me know.