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Lonely in a marriage

Hello, I have been with my husband since the age of 14 we have two beautiful children together. It has now been 12 years together and things use to be great. For the past 2 years now things have been very bad, he's very abusive mentally and disrespects me in front of our children, in front of anyone really. He has been caught plenty times talking to women on FB or IG even girls that i know. It's very sad to know that I'm married to someone like that. I use to be very happy and for the past year I've been miserable and so has he. Our relationship is nothing like it use to be and to be honest I don't think it will ever be like before. I wish he could just pack his bags and leave I'm happier when he is not around. I feel so lonely in my marriage I really do, we don't talk anymore he never bothers to ask me if I'm okay or how my day was after work. I'm ready to walk away but don't know how.

Re: Lonely in a marriage

That is a hard step to take, but time marches on without you. Figure out a way to leave, if he abusive so to a women's shelter, they can help you