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My husband of almost 10 yrs abandoned me with no indication whatsoever that he was unhappy in our marriage. On Tuesday he left for a work training, kissed me & then sent a text telling me he loved me & couldn't wait to see me the next evening. On Wednesday morning I get a text telling me our marriage is over, that he's not coming home & that he's going to move out & that he will contact me when he's ready to talk about it. Five days later, he calls & simply says he doesnt love me anymore & we arent compatible.
That was 7 weeks ago, since that time he moved out but calls/texts me daily. He's come to see me 4 times & we continued to have sex. "The best part of the marriage" according to him. He is angry that I never took his last name when we married & he's fixated on that. He refused to go to counseling, I have started counseling on my own. I don't know if I should continue to try and salvage this marriage or let go. I don't know if I could ever trust him again.

Re: Abandonment

Irene: It is good you are in counseling. Please don't sleep with a man who treats you this way. He may be with someone else when he's not with you. Get a Lawyer ASAP or, if you cannot afford one, talk to someone at your local Bar Association.