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Re: 27 year marriage ends

honestly I wish my husband had an affair, it would be so easy to kick him to the curb then. My husband is a severe alcoholic. He guzzles vodka straight, its hard to watch that but even harder to live with it. He makes a constant mess, leaves bags of bread, cookies, crackers open when he gets up at night. The kitcken is in a constant mess, and the bathroom is a joke. At 59 i just got sick of being a babysitter and maid. Of course there has been no intimacy in years, and I wonder why I didn't leave sooner. I left in late September and I really want to be in my home, but I just can't take living like that any more.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I’m so sorry to see so many women in the same boat. My husband of 13 years left me for another woman on our daughter’s birthday which was also 2 days before our anniversary vacation. When I stopped asking him to come home 2 weeks after the fact he started to harass me. A month after he left, he came and tried to force himself on me and threatened to kill me (as he has many times before). The police were called and he faked a heart attack to prevent being arrested. The next day, he took all the money, emptied out our safe deposit boxes and checks himself into the hospital the day of every court date to evade a hearing. I’m struggling financially and he doesn’t care to contribute even though we have two kids. I feel so hurt, scared and confused. He cheated and left, yet he took everything. I have great support but I know it’s hard on them to hear the constant drama

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I go to a free support divorce group now. I also found a women’s only social club on meetup.com. I went to a movie and
Dinner. I met a lot of nice women. It made me realize there is life after divorce. I need to heal and get myself together before I date again. If I ever decide to. Just hold onto god and you will get through this