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I have been married for almost 7 years. My husband has now been fired for the 2nd time and drained us financially with his spending. He also drinks. I asked him to leave the house 8 months ago which has been nice. I spoke to an attorney about divorce and was told I will need to pay him $1000 + a month and give him half my retirement. He is being rewarded for being lazy and spending money.
He now works and where he lives no is rent free. He has now given me any money since June. I am stuck paying his bills.
Any advice?

Re: advice

Liz: I would look on line to see the divorce laws in your State and find another Lawyer and tell them what you have written here about the situation. If he is working and has no rent, you should not have to give him money every month. He should be paying his own bills, also. If you cannot afford bills connected to where you live, you may have to move someday or get a responsible roommate where you are or move and get one to help with rent. This is not a long marriage.