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Starting separation process

I feel so alone and broken I'm 28 been with my spouse for 12 years and married for 2 years no children's. I've been dealing with his infidelity issue for years now and can't take it any longer. I want to get a divorce but feel so lost. I know I'm fed up and being single makes life look brighter than now being married. I need some clarity am I wrong for wanting a divorce

Re: Starting separation process

Neelam: No, you are not wrong for wanting a divorce. I hope you see a Lawyer as soon as you can.

Re: Starting separation process

Thank you I will.

Re: Starting separation process

You are definitely not wrong for wanting a divorce due to infidelity, especially since it sounds like it’s been an ongoing issue. You deserve better. I too am 28 with no kids. My husband is the one deciding to separate, so I am broken hearted of course but I am also terrified of starting over at 28. It seems quite rare to divorce so young, which is why I wanted to connect to you when I read your post. What is your take on starting over?