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I have been married 7 years. My husband was fired from his job a few years ago then found a job when we bought our house. He started drinking he says because I was making him work full time and the house is too much work. He would spend money for his toys. He said he earned it. He then got fired again. At this point I asked him to leave. He took money to buy an RV so he lived there. When unemployment ran out he found another cash paying job and moved in with friends rent free. He has one bill car insurance. I pay everything because he says he has no money. He will not open a bank account and since he gets paid cash no proof. So for 8 months all finances are on me. His sister wants him to go into rehab and which will mean once again he will be unemployed. She then stated he will move back in once he is out. I told her that this will cost $4000 out of pocket. She told me I am his wife and to go on a payment plan. I spoke to an attorney and they told me I will have to pay alimony. He will end up with more money then me a month as he has no bills and I will struggle to make ends meet. I said he can work but he is lazy. I was told it don't matter. So he will be awarded for this behavior. I spoke to a second attorney and they told me the same. I can't believe it is okay for me to then barely be able to pay bills and he will get almost half my pay plus what he earns. Sorry this is so long but I am in need of advice.

Re: help need advice

What a bad situation. I don't have any advice but I am so sorry for your issues with your husband. I can't stand a lazy person and especially a man. What state are you in?