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Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

I'm getting divorced, was with my husband 19 years. He was abusive, unfaithful and that's just the start. He had a successful business and I helped make it a success however was mostly a housewife and full time mother. I found out about his last discretions and he left. Since I have taken over the family home paying all bills, mortgage and up keep of our two children. He has lost his business, does not pay or have his children. One of our sons is disabled. So life for me is a silt struggle. He if fighting me in court and die half the home. Please could anyone share stories of they have won the family home in court. Thankyou

Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Claire: I did get the home in the divorce. I was a housewife/mom for half of the 21 years of marriage. He got his retirement money and I got the house. I get his social security money after he passes (he's 9 years older) - all of this is a long story. I had a Family Lawyer and I recommend you get one, too. I worked very part time around our daughter's schedule and am injured - still, my Lawyer told me I was lucky to get the home and she also had it put in my name, legally. Best wishes.

Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Hi Claire,
I got the family home because I paid for it with a inheritance I received. But he never paid the property taxes in 5 years, so I am paying a finance company back. I am asking the court for him to pay 50% of the back taxes.

Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Claire: I got the house in the divorce and my Lawyer had it put in my name, also. Still, the Lawyer told me I was lucky the Judge awarded me the house. I would think not uprooting a disabled child would be in your favor and any other kids you have. A friend just bought out her husband's financial half of the house and has four minor kids (got a bank loan).