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My husband wants divorced and I don’t.

He was my high school sweetheart. We have three kids together and I’m pregnant with our fourth. The most he will say is that he is unhappy and he wants a divorce. I don’t want to give up on my marriage because I truly love him. But right now he is someone I don’t recognize. Should I file for separation and give it time? Or should I just file and try to move on? I really don’t want to give up and walk away I married him for a reason. But he is talking to other females. I guess I’m just hoping this is a stage and after a while he will realize he messed up. I just don’t know I’m having such a hard time coping.

Re: My husband wants divorced and I don’t.

Payton: I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think the best thing to do right now is to have a consultation with a Family Lawyer regarding child support, health insurance for the kids and emergency alimony if he leaves.