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Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Claire: I did get the home in the divorce. I was a housewife/mom for half of the 21 years of marriage. He got his retirement money and I got the house. I get his social security money after he passes (he's 9 years older) - all of this is a long story. I had a Family Lawyer and I recommend you get one, too. I worked very part time around our daughter's schedule and am injured - still, my Lawyer told me I was lucky to get the home and she also had it put in my name, legally. Best wishes.

Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Hi Claire,
I got the family home because I paid for it with a inheritance I received. But he never paid the property taxes in 5 years, so I am paying a finance company back. I am asking the court for him to pay 50% of the back taxes.

Re: Did anyone get awarded the matrimonial home in divirce

Claire: I got the house in the divorce and my Lawyer had it put in my name, also. Still, the Lawyer told me I was lucky the Judge awarded me the house. I would think not uprooting a disabled child would be in your favor and any other kids you have. A friend just bought out her husband's financial half of the house and has four minor kids (got a bank loan).