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8 year old boy dealing with separation

I ended my marriage just before Christmas, I felt like a single mum who worked while the children were at school,he worked all hours enjoyed a healthy social life, earned 3 times i did and i still struggled with the bills and the daily routine with no help got too much. We are in process of waiting to see a mediator and im struggling with the non routine with the children and their dad, especially my son. Im trying to get structure and plan a set routine but dad keeps changing things and if i dont agree im stopping him from seeing his children. Im not stopping him id just like a routine and stick to it so we all know where we are. Dad is now trying all tactics to get my son to stay with him and lets him get away with everything, im trying hard to restore order but coming out the baddie which kills, as i feel guilty enough as it is that i decided that I need to work on my happiness as well as the childrens. I am now competing with new xboxes, games, double bed (8 year old)!!! When i mention this to dad he says well you bought him all new stuff when you walked out. I had to scour through charity shops to start up again. I have had to walk away from the house he owns after 12 years. I have had to buy some new stuff and i also took some bits from the marital home but left him with 80% of our things. Im lucky my mum n dad helped but only as they cant bear to see me un happy anymore. My biggest problem with all this is my son gets very angry when things dont go his way and throws things (mainly cushions) but it worries me. I dont know how to deal with the situation, its tearing me apart. I understand he wants to see his dad and loves him very much (we have a 4 year girl as well who is dealing with this very well), but when he is spending alot of time on xbox or watching tele in his care and im trying to dothe opposite then its understandable where he would prefer to go Am i wrong for feeling like im failing,im so scared im alienating my little man.

Re: 8 year old boy dealing with separation

Why did you give him the house? It might be part that the kids feel more comfortable there since that is home. You should have told him to leave. Your son thinks you are the one that left and might feel some deep resentment.