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Re: Ex Intent to leave me with nothing, & my attorney stinks

Get a new attorney! Look for an AV rated attorney...meet for consultation, explain everything.

Re: Ex Intent to leave me with nothing, & my attorney stinks

At first my domestic attorney told me to file jointly and I said no because of the self-employed husband's creative IRS filings. I finally retained a tax attorney and his CPA is doing my taxes as head of household (I work). The tax attorney is there in case I need to claim innocent spouse. I am nearing retirement and I can't take the IRS hit that may happen due to the under and over reporting that the husband did. The tax attorney will draft the indemnification clause that will be secured by real estate that my husband will do his best to retain in the divorce. My husband's CPA did shady things over the years like filing the joint taxes without my signature or with my forged signature. Protect yourself. Consult with a tax attorney.
Our children are 22 and 21 and not considered by the court or my attorney. However, any family attorney should be fighting for your children in an attempt to stabilize their daily life. I retained my prominent attorney the day after he left and we watched money moved, liquidated and squandered. She was hoping to settle with someone who feels ever penny is his. I have spent a boatload of money for where we are which is the pre-trial settlement conference. I don't expect much there.
I haven't cut ties with my attorney because of the money and the great possibility of retaining a comparable attorney. In your case with minor children there must be someone who will represent you and them. Is there a reason you won't go with the new attorney? You need someone who will advocate for you not hinder the grueling divorce process.