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Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

My husband and I own few properties,
When I receive texts from tenants asking for something ,I like to respond on what needs to be done and my husband tells me that I do not have to reply on the tenants right away …
But I do it anyway because is our responsibility to fix things if needed and he gets angry just because I replied to it .
I am tired of him telling me what to do or not !
We have been married for 28 years already.
Sometimes I feel like leaving this marriage because talking to him is difficult 😣 he will have tempers if I talk about it any situation that arises.
He always tells me why I do not agree with him?

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

Most probably the reason tenants are reaching out to you and not him is because either he doesn't reply to them on time or they are uncomfortable talking to him. Whatever the reason, he has no right to disrespect you, or have angry outbursts. You can talk to him and tell him that as the properties are jointly owned, you have as much right to make decisions as him and you are only doing it because the tenants need urgent fixtures, etc.
Hope this helps your situation.

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

Hello ZH
I have talked to him regarding this problem but he has told me that I have to agree with him just because I am his wife plus I noticed that he will not let me text back to the tenants that he does not like or does not get along with.
And Yes you are right some tenants feel uncomfortable talking to him because of his anger issues.
I don’t want to stay in this marriage anymore because of it !
I don’t know what to do
Should I stay or should I go?
He have no empathy too
Thank you for responding

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

No. You don't have to agree with him over anything just because you are his wife. You are a whole person with your own thoughts and feelings. I made the same mistake of changing myself to please my husband and in-laws. Lost myself in the process. That loss of identity went so far and deep that I am still struggling to find myself.
If you think that you are in an emotionally abusive, controlling and disrespectful relationship then you have the right to value yourself first and walk out. You cannot wait forever for a person to change or realize his mistakes. As you mentioned that talking to him never helps then my sincere advice is please live for yourself now because you deserve to be heard too.
Hope this helps.
More power to you.

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

Thank you so much for your output :)

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

Most welcome. I really pray that you come on the other side as a strong and happy woman.

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

🥰 Thank you

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

I am currently 25 years married and now going through the early stages of divorce because I am done with the psychological and emotional manipulation.

You deserve to be happy and to make your OWN decisions yourself. You do not need him to tell you what to do.

I hope you will have the courage to do so ... sometimes walking away is the only option because you finally respect yourself enough to know that you deserve better. Not my words but it's my daily mantra.

Good luck to you!

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

Thank you for your output too :)
It is a long marriage hopefully I will have the courage to leave him (we are both in our 60’s )
So far I am in good health :) but not him :(

Re: Is this type of behavior Controlling or Acceptable ?

It doesnt sound like the renters or property is really the prob i think its he feels power from making people wait on him, his time, his schedule, his voice is the only 1 he wants to hear its disrespectful to the renters but mostly shows how he disrespects you like your voice or actions are nothing in the big world