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Sunday Fishing.

Went out to Kona area Sun. am.
I was fishing with Kripple II, Smootch and was soon joined by Nemesis and his friend Tom and also by "Jigging Jordan"(Brads son)
Were were also joined later by my daughter and two of my Grandson's, Bailey and Drew.
Fishing was slow but we did manage to catch several good white perch. Jordan landed a nice white as well as Bailey and Drew each putting one on the ice.
Weather was good and it was a good time on the ice with a bunch of good people.
We will try to pin point best spot in that area to get the whites as they are there but is still quite slow.
Be careful with wheelers out there as lots of snow and slush blown in along shorelines , good for getting stuck. I got this info from Brad:)

Re: Sunday Fishing. Hey Bob!!


Stopped at you booth at the boat show but the nice woman that was there informed me that you were not around for a couple of days. The show was impressive for sure!! I was out yesterday as well I managed 4 and a half lakers jigging from the house. the 1/2 is for the one that only made it half way out of the hole. Your friend brad is correct snow is deep near some of the islands from the wind. See ya on the ice


Re: Sunday Fishing.

Bob and Colan, Thanks for a fun time and for all your help. We had a blast. Jordan asked if we can go again this weekend. He's hooked.
Yes, the snow is deep up against the shorelines. If you have a wheeler do not stray off the packed snowmobile tracks. If there are no tracks to speak of....stay away!!! This was our case. Spent way too much effort digging out. Only got about 50 yds off shore. Didnt feel too bad. Some knucklehead had a truck with a snowmobile trailer with sleds stuck on the ice. If you have the sleds, why are you on the ice with the truck?
Bob came to the rescue with and empty pull sled. We got our gear out that way.
Thanks again for all your help.

Brad and Jordan.

Re: Re: Sunday Fishing.

StillFishin... Did you happen to see a blue four wheeler to the east of you get stuck around 10am? I tried coming out to say hi from the point we are working on, but didn't make it too far before the wheels started spinning on the glare ice beneath the snow. Had to put it in ultra low with the differential locked to get outta there.
You definitely had quite the group out there.
My brother and I ended up fishing by Lees Mills for yellows and pickerel... not much happening there.

Re: Re: Re: Sunday Fishing.

Actually we did see you. Sorry didn't know it was you and didn't really know you were stuck , but we did see it headed back to shore. You should have yelled you to us.
Now you know you "secret" spot:)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday Fishing.

Wasn't stuck more than a minute or two... just had to keep backing up and then plunging ahead. No biggie.
I was out there visiting Adrien and Travis the day they fished there a few weeks ago. My cousin used to ice fish that spot for white perch years ago. He actually put some derby prize winners on the board from there too. We're gonna try sometime this week after work and see if we can locate the "mother load of whites". Will let you know if we get into them.

Re: Sunday Fishing.

Thank you Bob.
I had a lot of fun.
-Jigging Jordan