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New Saltwater fishing license?

What a rip off! I bought into the idea of buying a lifetime license, a combination hunting and fishing license that gave me both warm and cold water fishing rights, hunting for small game, deer and bear, and not to have to pay a habitat fee again. I paid a large price for my lifetime license and now they want to take away my rights to fish from shore on Great Bay? What else are they going to take away? I don't fish for the salmon in the Merrimack but I do buy a license for Muzzle loader, Bow, Turkey, Phesant, and both my duck stamps, but I knew when I purchased my lifetime license those were not included. Sorry but I had to vent, does anyone else feel the same way? This is House Bill 527-FN-A a note to your local representative might let them know how you feel. Also there's a bill trying to prohibit the use of leghold traps and conibears. This bill would just about stop all trapping in the state of NH. These people who come up with these new laws just don't pay attention to what has happened in other states where this has been done. We humans put ourselves in the possition of controling wildelife and we must continue to do our part as the top of the food chain. Trapping is one of the most humane ways an animal can die compaired to being squashed on the highway, being eaten alive or starving to death from sickness or old age. Whether you agree or not, trapping is a heritage of ours the same as fishing and hunting. There are laws to keep us in check but what if they outlawed fish hooks! You could still fish right? Again I ask you to contact your representative and tell them you don't support House Bill 565-FN. Thanks, I'm off my soap box.

Re: New Saltwater fishing license?

Thanks for the info on the trapping bill, I'll be writing my reps. There is a great video called "Destroying the Myth" which you can watch from the New Hampshire Trappers Association homepage:


It says it's $6 to own a copy but you can watch it for free online.
Scroll down to the link for the video under the "Destroying the Myth" box.