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A friend of mine read this somewhere.

i read in the foster paper they found 14 dead loons on the lake they think they saw black ice and thought it was open water and landed and could not take off they need water to take off they saved 4 they said they found the 14 dead with there heads tucked under there wings like they were sleeping what a shame. Dave

Re: Loons

Natural selection.

Re: Re: Loons

Autopsies revealed no lead jigs longer that 1" to the bend of the hook or weighing less than 1 ounce in their gullets

Sorry but couldn't resist

Re: Re: Re: Loons

You both missed my point.

John S.

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Replying to:

Autopsies revealed no lead jigs longer that 1" to the bend of the hook or weighing less than 1 ounce in their gullets

Sorry but couldn't resist

Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

Yeah guys, come on, get with the point.

We should ban all ice to save the loons, especially on squam, there should be adequate bubblers installed to keep the lake "ice free" all winter.

Save the overgrown seagulls!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

I'm not sure I get your point Adrien, perhaps you didn't get my point either, or maybe you did and don't give a ****.

For you slow guys, I meant nothing negative in my post, my point was merely to say it's a shame the Loons died, it had nothing to do with how. If you guys want to carry on the old argument about lead, etc. (or a new one about ice) be my guest, I'll sit back on the side.

John S.

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Replying to:

Yeah guys, come on, get with the point.

We should ban all ice to save the loons, especially on squam, there should be adequate bubblers installed to keep the lake "ice free" all winter.

Save the overgrown seagulls!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

I think you missed MY point John. Nature isn't the lovey dovey walt disney world that many would have us believe. Its cruel even to those lovable loons.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

I think I got your point just fine, before and now.

John S.

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Replying to:

I think you missed MY point John. Nature isn't the lovey dovey walt disney world that many would have us believe. Its cruel even to those lovable loons.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

Then why assume I missed yours?

Re: Loons

I have never seen a loon flying around during the winter or even dead for that matter. I thought they went towards the coast or a little south untill they find open water.


Re: Re: Loons

That's right Charlie, I'm not even sure the article I posted was bonafide. I do know if they don't leave before the ice they are in deep s---. So it is a little far fetched that that many Loons would still be around ????

I personally really like Loons and true article or not it bothered me that so many might have died that that way, on "any" Lake.

John S.

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Replying to:

I have never seen a loon flying around during the winter or even dead for that matter. I thought they went towards the coast or a little south untill they find open water.


Re: Re: Re: Loons

It was true. I saw them on Ch9.

Re: Re: Loons

It is pretty sad to hear of that many dead. I enjoy hearing them, both while fishing and while sitting by my open window during the warm months.
Never knew they needed water to take off...
Heck of a way to die.

Re: Re: Re: Loons

Above post was me... name screwed up.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Loons

Tt has been a strange winter. Maybe that has something to do with it? It was near 70 degrees in early January. That made me wonder if we would ever get ice.
