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Re: super smelt images ?

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They look very much like the DB


Re: Re: super smelt images ?

These lures are made of Alum and do not hold up to people who catch fish. Tested time and time again.. Like most things, they look the same but looks are deceptive. Save you Cash.. Get the real thing.. Don't take my word.. Guys who have them and used them how about a few statements or testimonials from last year..

Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?

I bought one at Suds & Soda last Sat. And you can tell they won't hold up to long. w-fat

Re: super smelt images ?

Dont be fooled is right .These lures are CRAP!!! I bought 1 last year and it was junk.It is made of plastic and its a cheap copy of a DB.Save your $$$ buy the real thing.My son was messing around with the fake one and when he bent it it snaped in two.

Re: Re: super smelt images ?

I know I am going to P-ss off some of the guys again but here I go with my opinion. I think the acme smelts are made cheaper than the DB but for the recreational fisherman not the die hards that are out there everyday but the guys that go say once a week, I think for the money the DB's cost versus the Acme price you can get alot more colors and patterns that might help the recreational fisherman perhaps catch more fish. as for the Guides on the lakes who use them day in and day out, I would not reccommend them, for the week end warrior they are the best way to get the variety and think there is nothing wrong with them. I have caught fish on both. and to date have never had any break on me. Happy fishing

Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?

I bought a few of the super smelt last year.

First of all I didn't catch a single fish on them. I catch fish on the DB's all the time.

Secondly I put a NH Guide pattern of each on a digital scale at work. I put the DB and the Super smelt on the scale. The DB weighed twice what the super smelt weighed. How could the 2 lures possibly have the same action when the super smelt weighs half of the DB. I agree that they look about the same but I doubt they have the same action.

I don't know about you guys but I will pay the 4 bucks for the DB's because they catch me fish!!!! And I would consider myself a weekend warrior even though I like to tell my friends that I am a professional.

Re: Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?

where are you buying the DB's for $4 dollars if you don't mind be asking?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?

Ya,4$ for a DB??? I thought i read on this site not more than a week ago they were a buck each.P.S.wife does think that's cheap.Polebreaker

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?


I had bought a bunch at the end of last year from Paugus bay when they were 3 for $10. So that is $3.33 each. I also bought some at the sportsman show in salem over the winter for the same price.

I guess you are right though I think they might be $5 a piece right now.


Re: Re: super smelt images ?

dont remember it being plastic, but they do break, went to alter the bend in one and it did snap in half. i dont know if he still sells direct, but i bought a large sized order from the guy that makes the dbs a couple years ago before he had the color variety he has now.

Re: Re: Re: super smelt images ?

There are more "DB type" spoons on the market, but these are stainless and **** nice looking, Paugus sells them now and I understand they will be available at other Tackle shops soon.

I will add my 2 cents on the Acme DB look-a-likes, I didn't like the feel in the hand, too light compared to the real DB (not that means anything)so I didnt buy any. But it seems allot of people did, they were cheaper. KTP was sold out when I was there a month ago so I guess they are selling good, maybe they will correct any problems.

I still like the orginal DB better anyhow, otherwise I wouldn't have over 200 of them. I plan on stocking up on the new smaller DB look-a-likes as they look and feel real good to me, but I'm no expert. Not sure if they will catch fish, but like I said before good looking spoons are designed to catch fisherman, then if they catch fish all the better, but I think these will do the job, not sure what they call them yet ?????

John S.

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dont remember it being plastic, but they do break, went to alter the bend in one and it did snap in half. i dont know if he still sells direct, but i bought a large sized order from the guy that makes the dbs a couple years ago before he had the color variety he has now.