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Re: Re: Antenna wire

Actualy I just took a guess on how much is left over, I'll check it out tomorrow and decide before I put the connector on.

How do I get a radio check from my driveway, LOL. about 25 miles to Boston Harbor. I don;t think it's legal to transmit out of water anyhow, is it ????

Thanks guys,

John S.

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Replying to:

Coaxial cable has RF insertion losses in both the Rx and Tx modes. The longer the cable the more loss, that said, don’t worry about the small amount of loss, you’re not ever going to notice it. Do what makes sense to the installation, cut it or coil it. If you cut it leave a service loop for repairs.

Re: Re: Re: Antenna wire

i coiled up over 12' of it and its okay. like said above... never know when you're gonna move the antenna or buy a 32' offshore vessel (muhahaha).

Re: Re: Re: Re: Antenna wire

if you do cut it which is fine to do, be sure to leave at least 6 feet of cable from antenna to radio even if they are 1 foot away from each other, i think i read that in the instructions not to cut it way short because it won't work good, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me again but im pretty sure i read that in the book.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Antenna wire

Shakespeare recommendation is 3 feet. The one thing that is recommended is to coil the excess cable in a loose coil of 8” diameter which is a very good thing to do, to avoid the center conductor from cold flowing from the center to come into contact or near contact with the shield. If the center conductor moves out of position it will change the cable characteristics and effect performance severally. No sharp turns, use large raiduses

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Antenna wire

Thanks, I think I'll just coil it up like the article says. I just have to make sure no sharp bends the rest of the way, wasn't any, but we might have pulled the coax too tight, not connected yet anyhow, gotto buy the connector.

Of course we have to shovel the boat off now.

John S.

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Replying to:

Shakespeare recommendation is 3 feet. The one thing that is recommended is to coil the excess cable in a loose coil of 8” diameter which is a very good thing to do, to avoid the center conductor from cold flowing from the center to come into contact or near contact with the shield. If the center conductor moves out of position it will change the cable characteristics and effect performance severally. No sharp turns, use large raiduses