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Global warming?????

Global warming my A#(. Maybe Algore can come here and blow some hot air on the ice!!!)


Re: Global warming?????

My sentiments exactly Salty.

Re: Re: Global warming?????

I have heat lamps in my yard


Re: Re: Re: Global warming?????

All kidding aside, the current spat of unusual weather is another side effect of climate change. Its not a simple as just temp. Changes in precipitation patterns, more violent storms, increase in erratic weather...ugh. It seems the jet stream has "stalled" and the cold canadian air is just hanging around. When I went to Europe two weeks ago the tail wind was nearly 150 mph. Coming back the head wind was only about 50 mph so we got in (or should have) about 1 hour early. The slower gulf stream winds I saw on the return late last week appears to be associated with this weird late cold snap we're having.

How much ice is left on the big lake?