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Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

We are working on getting some hats made and the rulers will be available soon, more stuff needs to be printed up. For all interested stand by for a bit and we will have all the rules and the available items and we will get this baby rolling. I think this is going to be a lot of fun!

Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

I like the idea from popeye on the camo hats if possible.


Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

yes we are going to do that!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

I'm in, great idea.
A camo hat might fit me allot better than a 3X T-shirt lol...

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why do we want to put the fish through all the time out of the water to take pictures, when we are trying to keep them alive. It seems like you guys want to have it both ways, if you are going to take photos then you should at least take them home rather than hurt them anymore then need be. just my opinion.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

Thst's why fish size has nothing to do with a winner.
If you are keeping a 17 inch 2 year old to eat and you can set up a good picture with a big smile and a great background that's how you win. The point is quality photos. If you are a strictly catch and release person and feel that you would be doing more harm than good by holding a fish for a photo then get a picture of the fish in the water beside the boat or jumping behind the boat. Maybe one bouncing in your rubber net, we are just looking for good pictures here. Creativity is the name of the game.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

I just think it would be benifical to the fish for one, how is a guy who fishes alone going to take a picture of his fish and hold some advertisement two some people can afford better photo equipment than others possibly giving them an edge,and four I don't think it could be judged with out Bias. It's not a money issue as far as I'm concerned because, I have already bought my shirt, it's just my opinion. good luck with it though

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

would not be benificail to the fish

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

Forry has a problem, there's a surprise.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

If I understood things correctly, there doesn't even need to be a fish in the picture. Maybe a couple of kids sitting on a dock, with poles in their hands. I'd vote for a good picture of a kid fishing from shore (or boat) before a picture of a slimy fish (no matter how big).
I have a pretty decent digital camera, but have also seen pictures taken with a disposable that came out just as good. It all depends on being in the right place at the right time to capture something special.
If you see an image you want to capture... take many pictures from different angles and use the lighting in different ways. You're bound to get at least one picture just right that way.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

I was thinking there should be a fish in the pic. But now that you mention it slipknot and i think about what Forry said, what the heck, as long as there is a fishlakewinni.com logo somewhere and it has a fishing theme it's good to go. Travis is famous for his sunset shots over a set leadcore rod, that's just as beautiful as a salmon, right.

So Guys, how about the ammendment to the rule as long as there is a logo and a fishing theme it counts, no actual fish necessary. If there is a fish, it has to be one of the 3 coldwater species we have in winni.

To clear up any confusion, when i say "the fishlakewinni.com community will vote on it", i mean all of us, everyone that looks at the board can vote there will undoubtably be hundreads of votes from people none of us even know, that has to be as fair as it gets.

I believe that a 35mm disposable is capable of taking a clearer image than almost, if not all, digital cameras. Could be messed up here but heard 1 time that a regular film camera is on the level of 13 megapixels and even the best digitals can only get 10 with most being around 3 megapixels. So there is no excuse about cameras. (maybe i dreamed this up, don't hold me to it) please enlighten me if you are in the know.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

YO-A I'm in! I understand the concept completely!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

Adien, I don't think it is I that has the problem. I think it is you and let me tell you why. the initial post, which I believe you where the author. you said and don't take my word for it just read what you posted. you wanted fish photos. salmon,rainbows,and lakers only. Since you the biggest advocate of realeasing the fish unharmed want to take pictures of the fish With the fish winni logo in the picture. as soon as some one calls you on hurting the fish if we do it that way you take an about face and now say any picture will do. If you want people to buy the fish lake winni merchandise why don't you just come right out and say it. stop playing games. I know you have a lot of followers and that's great. but please stop talking out of both sides of your mouth. As I understood this site to be a site to help and inform the readers to become better anglers and to better perserve the resources.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

I love you Forrest

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

just what I expected from a kid. I know your followers will get a kick out of you. but the fact still remains it is all about the selling of the merchandise. it has not a thing to do with fishing. It is just a little side business for you. why don't you just admit it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Picture

Mr Forry,
Sir, you are way out of line in this thread!
I do not know this YoAdrien fellow, or almost anyone else here in fact. But the man has a nice idea that will give people enjoyment in the attempt to get their photo's viewed on this site. Who cares about photo equipt and how much it costs, I recently won a photo contest of a beach scene with a disposal camera, it is the moment you capture that makes a great photo, not the camera that took it. and in regards to the ammended "rule". When something like this gets "Thrown Out There" for thoughts, a good idea will attract suggestions, ammeding it will make it a great idea, all very normal parts of a process before the season really gets going. Lastly, in regards to catch and release, not everyone cares about that as much as maybe you do, i for one do not, i believe their is a fine balance between game fish numbers and forage, so killing of some fish is a good thing. just my opinion, im entitled to it, as you are yours, if you dont like the rules of the game, step off the playing field and dont participate, pretty simple enough, right?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pic

I think you really need to reread the post. I think you'll find I did bow out only to get sarcassm from yoAdrien. I don't care who he is or for that matter who you are, it may be a good idea for you "go for it and good luck" however don't trash talk for I will defend myself. the last time I saw Adrein he appeared to be a full grown adult, I don't think he needs anyone and yes I said anyone to defend him. good day

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing

i just read all the posts buddy boy....your a trouble maker, or a cry baby, or just an idiot ! take your pick!

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fis

your right I'm the idiot. Kiss a--s

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For

You know what????????? I normally don't get caught up in this kind of crap But what the Heck I'm gonna throw in my .02 And yes i do know "All" parties involved here and I'm not sticking up for anyone regardless of what you (forry) or anyone else may think. Adrian is a class act more then willing to share information with anyone yeah we all have little secrets we keep to ourselves (Yes Everyone Including me ) but more then willing to help the less fortunate. Gracious????????? Now i won't even go there This guy has a heart bigger then most people i know 2 of my best days fishing ever where on his boat One was the day i caught my laker but that wasn't the high point of my day Yes it was nice but the nicest part was the way Adrian and the other 5 guys on the boat treated my Little girl Amber I was a grown man almost in tears as every single one of them treated her like she was a 9 year old Princess, by the end of the day her arms were killing her from reeling in everyone's fish That was Priceless!!!!!!! The second time was the last trip of the season. My Dad had not been fishing for Salmon/Lake Trout since my dear old grandpa passed on in 1987, I was supposed to go with Travis on the Cool Water, but he had a problem with his motor, even though he didn't have to Adrian stepped up to the plate and offered to take me and my Dad Along with a charter he already had going out (This was how i met Jim, his son and Grandson) My dad caught a nice Salmon and had a Great Day, Thanks to Adian's genorousity i was able to give a little something back to my Dad after all he's done for me my entire life That was also "Priceless" Might i also mention that before i year and half ago I didn't know Adrian from a hole in the wall. So if you want to say I'm sticking up for Adrian That's your opinion, Personally i feel you are always trying to cause problems one way or another out of "Nothing" Or maybe you just like blowing things "Way out of Proportion" When people start trouble and stir the pot all it does is tell other people what Your character is like. If you want to thrash me for saying any of this you can email me personally (my address is always listed in my posts) or you can act like a child and throw it up on here Doesn't bother me one way or another My true Friends know what kind of a person and friend i am. In closing Remember the old words of the Bible (and I'm not the most religious person in the world) "do unto others as you would have done onto you" Enough Said!!!!!!!!!! Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines soon enough!!!!!!!! LOL Dave From up NOrth Who can't beleive what's been going on on this board lately UGHHHHHHHHHH

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can't we all just get along? words of forest gump "stupid is stupid does". "reel it in" how come we don"t have this many reply's for the fish lake winni flag ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fishlakewinni.com Photo Contest (For Fishing Pictures)

Then don't enter Forry. This sounds like a great idea.