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Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

If you checked with the folks at Ames Farm, they'd probably let you leave your truck/trailer in their lot for the weekend. I can't imagine it would cost much. That would also put you closer to the events each night, if you were thinking of going to see the nightly awards and give-aways. Much quicker to drive there from Ames Farm each time instead of Wolfeboro. Either way, you'll be boating in the dark to get back to the island though.
Sounds like a cool spot to have a camp for the weekend, Dave. Enjoy.

Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Hey Craig, what does yiur lake look like today ???

Yesterday morning it sounded decent then afternoon it got bad.

Do you want that 4# Seagar Leader, I'll never use it, yours for the asking.

Big John

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Replying to:

If you checked with the folks at Ames Farm, they'd probably let you leave your truck/trailer in their lot for the weekend. I can't imagine it would cost much. That would also put you closer to the events each night, if you were thinking of going to see the nightly awards and give-aways. Much quicker to drive there from Ames Farm each time instead of Wolfeboro. Either way, you'll be boating in the dark to get back to the island though.
Sounds like a cool spot to have a camp for the weekend, Dave. Enjoy.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

LOL I thought I was the only one who is nuts enough to read the forum before 7am hahaha

Have a good weekend guys!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Sign at Ames Farm has a CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC PER ORDER OF THE TOWN OF GILFOD.Whats up with that?????polebreaker

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Thanks Guys, Yeah the place is awesome and the lady was very pleasant called me at home and everything and all I did was send an email asking for information. Can't go wrong for the price between 5 guys and 2 boats. Will def. take pics to show it off, already told the lady if we like the place that we'll rent it every year for the derby. I too was thinking of calling the guy at Ames farm as he's always been very nice to me when I have spoken to him. But that I see Dave P. message about closed to the public UGHHHHHHH I hope that is only temporary????? Take Care God Bless LOL Dave Who check's his favorite site at all hours of the day and night LMAO Ok off to 9 am to 4 pm class UGHHHHHHHHHH Gonna be a coffee and red bull day for sure LMAO

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

WOW, I know they had some tax issues, guess they didn't sqaure it away, this will hurt allot of folks, most popular launch on the Lake.

Big John

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Replying to:

Sign at Ames Farm has a CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC PER ORDER OF THE TOWN OF GILFOD.Whats up with that?????polebreaker

Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Dave I would have recommended Roberts Cove simply because you can leave your truck and trailer there and I'm not so sure about the Wolfboro public docks. It's also not too busy in there to get in and out but it is a longer haul to Barndoor from there and in some of the lakes worse conditions, you COULD have trouble getting from Robert up to Barndoor where Wolfboro to Barndoor would almost always be an easier ride.

If you plan on hitting the awards ceremony you WILL be boating home in the dark so I would recommend taking the boat rides back and forth b/t Robert and BD and Wolfboro and BD and decide which feels better for you when "using the force" to get home. Finally, if you are going to hit the awards, you may need to ask yourself: do I feel better about leaving my boat unattended for 3 hours at Wolfboro public docks or on the Roberts Cove private docks. With either decision, you should check to make sure it's ok to stay docked while you are away at the awards.

We ALMOST pulled the trigger on a rental on Little Bear Island. The pricing was much better than staying on the mainland but the place was borderline too small for our group. My big decision not to go there though was due to boating in the dark with my 9 year old each night even though it was only a few hundred yards from Harillas and a MUCH easier ride than rides to BD. This and uncertainly about the consequences of leaving my truck and trailer on the side of the road on Long Island...everyone said they THOUGHT it was OK but I needed something more definitive and probably should have called the Moultonboro PD for this but a better place came along.

LOADS of rentals around the lake and especially on the islands. I'm suprised how many renters were suprised I was looking for a rental in mid May - like they've never had derby goers inquire for that time of year. Vacation Rentals.com and CraigsList both gave up more property options than I could review. Our place was pricey at $60 per person per night for 5 guys for 3 BR, a full unfinished basement (if we wanted to get more in) and a great dock that was only 5 minute boat ride from where we begin trolling. The ride to the awards will be almost 45 minutes and a bit longer than I would have preferred. eMail me if you are still looking around and want the web links to the two sites I was checking...I could also send you info on the two places we ALMOST settled on...one off Stoneham Island on Merideth Neck and one on Little Bear.

Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

What's wrong woith Shep Browns ?

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Replying to:

Dave I would have recommended Roberts Cove simply because you can leave your truck and trailer there and I'm not so sure about the Wolfboro public docks. It's also not too busy in there to get in and out but it is a longer haul to Barndoor from there and in some of the lakes worse conditions, you COULD have trouble getting from Robert up to Barndoor where Wolfboro to Barndoor would almost always be an easier ride.

If you plan on hitting the awards ceremony you WILL be boating home in the dark so I would recommend taking the boat rides back and forth b/t Robert and BD and Wolfboro and BD and decide which feels better for you when "using the force" to get home. Finally, if you are going to hit the awards, you may need to ask yourself: do I feel better about leaving my boat unattended for 3 hours at Wolfboro public docks or on the Roberts Cove private docks. With either decision, you should check to make sure it's ok to stay docked while you are away at the awards.

We ALMOST pulled the trigger on a rental on Little Bear Island. The pricing was much better than staying on the mainland but the place was borderline too small for our group. My big decision not to go there though was due to boating in the dark with my 9 year old each night even though it was only a few hundred yards from Harillas and a MUCH easier ride than rides to BD. This and uncertainly about the consequences of leaving my truck and trailer on the side of the road on Long Island...everyone said they THOUGHT it was OK but I needed something more definitive and probably should have called the Moultonboro PD for this but a better place came along.

LOADS of rentals around the lake and especially on the islands. I'm suprised how many renters were suprised I was looking for a rental in mid May - like they've never had derby goers inquire for that time of year. Vacation Rentals.com and CraigsList both gave up more property options than I could review. Our place was pricey at $60 per person per night for 5 guys for 3 BR, a full unfinished basement (if we wanted to get more in) and a great dock that was only 5 minute boat ride from where we begin trolling. The ride to the awards will be almost 45 minutes and a bit longer than I would have preferred. eMail me if you are still looking around and want the web links to the two sites I was checking...I could also send you info on the two places we ALMOST settled on...one off Stoneham Island on Merideth Neck and one on Little Bear.

Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Long boat ride to barndoor from shep browns.polebreaker

Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Good point John - I didn't consider Sheps (or Ames for that matter). I think the problem would be the odd chance that the wind is howling down the Broads and kicking up 5 footers. That could be tricky in a smaller boat...especially at night.

Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Hey mike could you send me the link for the one on little bear and stoneham? would be appreciated, actually I'm waiting to hear from one other guy about a really sweet place, he's checking on when his neighbor is going to help him put in the dock, I almost told him I'd go help him LOL if he gave me a good deal LOL Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Dave- Is this rental a done deal? I have been on the lake for 50+ years, and my concern for you could be the wind factor. I worked at Camp Kabeyun near there in the early 70's and I have seen 5-6' waves in this area. Looking NNW, it is 20 miles to Center Harbor with no wind breaks. You may have trouble fishing and just getting there. I just looked on VRBO.com (vacation rentals by owner) and there are some interesting options, includung one behind Ganzy Island that sleeps 10-14 for a reasonable rate. Not trying to squash your plans, just wanted to point that out. Others may want to check out the VRBO site, too. I have more experience with Moultonoro end of the lake, too. You need your chart, lots of structure... ROCKS! Shoot me an e-mail or call my cell at 802-793-9734

Dave C.

Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

It is not a done deal, Could you possibly send me the link and that one you are talking about? It would be greatly appreciated. This is the number one reason I love this site so much, Look at all this information, As I said I don't know winni 1/2 as well as most of you Thanks and Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Dave- Here is the link: http://www.vrbo.com/67339

If you want to check out the fishing on this end of the lake, a tour could be arranged... Always looking for an excuse to get over there. Bring a pole or two.

Dave C.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

the vrbo site is awesome...also check this:

type "winnipesaukee" as the search term and you will get loads of properties.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Thanks Guys, A tour sounds good to me LOL I'm dying to get out there trolling. Great Site, Emailed a few folks already got a response, it's on a place on the lake I have never been so I would have to go there before the derby to check it out so I wouldn't get lost, Price was even better than the other place and guy seems very nice and personable. We'll see what happens. Tour def. sounds like fun Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question for the guys that know winni better than me LOL

Dave, I'm staying at Belnap Point Motel, You can try there. They have a thing with Fays boat yard as a place to put the boat. The broads are right there and the coves if it gets windy.