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Living my dream!!!

Full time Hunting and fishing guide what can I say I'm living my dream...

God I love the outdoors...

Re: Living my dream!!!

U, D. Man (graet clip)

Re: Living my dream!!!

Doesn't get much better then that!

Re: Living my dream!!!

You are one lucky man Travis. But also it has taken a lot of hard work.

Re: Living my dream!!!

Trav, I am very happy for you bud. Nothing like the "tug drug", eh! It's so addictive.

Thanks for taking the time many years ago to show me the basics of LL salmon fishing. I really appreciate it. I wish we had more time to fish together now.
Jordan's and Victoria's sports schedules keeps us pretty busy all year long. Soon we can fish together...I hope.

Need to get you back to Lake O. for some BT and salmon. That's where we are getting our "fix" this year. Did a drift boat trip on the Salmon River a couple of weekends ago and Jordan landed 3 steelies up to 10 pounds.

Don't forget to thank your dad from time to time for turning you onto fishing. I know you will return the favor to your kids when you have your own some day.

Glad you are living your dream!!!

Screaming drags!


Re: Living my dream!!!

Thanks Man! You have got to hook up with me this year and do some Jigging!!!


Re: Living my dream!!!

Lets try to do that. Give me a call when it gets good.

