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finding fish

so it is my second season back on the big lake since i was a kid and i for the life of me cannot catch fish.. i have talked to people this season and was told so many things i don't know what to do... any tips from anyone?? it would be great... i would like to get in the groove

Re: finding fish

UGH, tried typing this reply, booted me out, back to my desk top ???????????????????

At any rate, fish the usual spots you hear folks talk about here, fish the top 15 feet of water, Streamer flies off lead core (2 to 3 colors) back at least 100 feet are best right now it seems, troll at 1.7 to 2.4 mph, find the warmest water you can, try to fish any humps you see.

Not knowing what you have for equipment. Etc. hard to give any more advice, if you don’t have planer boards set up, get one.

Fishing has been slower than normal for many of us so don’t expect slam them.

If all else fails, do a Charter, it will save you years of learning.

Big John
(typed in word)

Re: finding fish

well i have different things.. i have downriggers and fly rods, no planers... the lures vary.. i do not know what is very popular right now but i fish 12-15 ft down and at about 1.8- 2.2 mph.. im not sure what i am doing wrong

Re: finding fish

What do you fish out(size, motor) and what do you have for rod/reels? Would you live bait fish if you could catch fish?
Nobody should go fishless on Winni at this time of the year.

Re: finding fish

im on a 20 ft wellcraft sportfish with a 200 yamaha outboard.. fishing on 2 cannon mag10's i am using the db smelt from paugus bay sports and a lure from aj's. i usually fish at 2-2.2 mph and about 12 ft down and cannot hit.. im marking fish that is for sure

Re: finding fish

Make sure you use a good fluorocarbon 4# or maybe 6# leader that is a 10-20 yards long. Tie lures directly to leader, don't use a snap ring. I say this only because it was my mistake which cost me a good 3-4 years of successful fishing. I had all the right lures, knew all the "hot places" and did everything right expect for my 10 foot, 12lb test monofilaiment with a quick connect snap ring.

Re: finding fish

Be on the water at first light. Also need to be on the water when the fish are Biteing. Which is more luck then anything. And try different things Lures, Depths, Speeds.These things can change quickly.And good luck,

Re: finding fish

hi matt if you would like to go out with me some time.your more than welcome.you can see what were doing.and if its a change from what your doing.when i first started.i went with a few guys that are always on the fish? next time i went on my own.i had the best day ever.you can learn alot just by watching.. good luck.joe s...

Re: finding fish

i dont fish winni, but this is what i know. this time of year fish early, early, early, and fish slow, slow, slow. my boat is heading out at 4 am to get to where i want on sebago, fish as early as you can legally (be setup to drop your lures the minute you can legally do so). im fishing about .8 to 1.1 with bait, and 1.6 to 1.8 max with lures right now, ill speed things up in a few weeks but for now im fishing slow. purple works best for me early in the year and i like long leaders with atleast 6 feet of tippet with 4 or 6 pound seagar flouro. getting a guide will save you years of practice as well