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Sunapee Sunday

SLOW day! Had Joe Pych of Hooked-In.com and his coworker out today for some Sunapee trolling.

Struggled for the most part today couldn't do a thing other then one salmon at about 19". It was a fighter too! Must have jumped almost a dozen times before getting to the boat! WE GOT A JUMPER!

Good day to be on the water except the lack of action! Saw Woods & Water they have a gorgeous boat and a great dog!


trying to put a video together, if successful will try to post it later.

Re: Sunapee Sunday

We fishd sunapee from 5:30 till 10:00 and picked up 4 and missed 2 biggest was 23" 4.5lbs all fish were picked up on the ten-ten streamer. 200 ft of steel and 2.5-3 mph. it is getting better i still don't think the smelt have or are running.

Re: Sunapee Sunday - video


I saved you from the skunk lol. Here's the video:

If that does not work, try the Hooked-in website here: http://www.hooked-in.com/catches/show/2821.

- Joe

Re: Sunapee Sunday - video

Thanks for posting that Joe!
Fun Video

Re: Sunapee Sunday - video

Nice video guys !!! Cal P.

Re: Sunapee Sunday - video

Thanks, Cal. Still working on my video skilz. I am hoping to do some more this year and will see what I can get for footage at the winni derby.

- Joe

Re: Sunapee Sunday - video

You are welcome, Cody. It was a great day on the water even though the fishing was slow. Thanks again, - Joe.