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Re: monday 's advice

With a 14 ft boat you would do well to launch at SS and use the islands to fish near when the white caps kick up. Try south of Governors, against Locke, Welch all produce well.All the fish I have caught never listened to a weather forcaster also. Good Luck

Re: monday 's advice

It can get dangerous in a hurry out there, I would listen closely to the weather reports. They are not very accurate for wind it seems, but when they say it's going to blow good, it usually does, and when they say it wont, it still seems to blow pretty good sometimes..

If you have a small, slow boat, don't go far from cover or shore if it seems the sligthest bit windy, big waves can come up in a heartbeat.

There is allot of merit trying to figure out where you might get best protection/sheilding from the wind.

Big John