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Barge report 4/29 and 4/30

Fished a long day both days, early bite is best, after 9:30 it drops off bad, especially with flat lake. Wednesday fished with Floydo and Cal Preston, Thursday with Salmon Stalker.

Fish were from 10 to 15 feet down, riggers got more action, but the boards are king still.

Spoons outfished the flys by a huge margin, Wednesday was the worse day of the season to date, 6 lines, did not reach double numbers, not even close. Thursday was good early, tough mid day, strong finish when the wind picked up, with 4 lines we did manage to get into double numbers, but still not a hot days fishing.

Good news is fish are looking really good now, fattening up fast, no thin Salmon caught, several over 20" and they all looked good, allot of short ones.

Best color by far was Rasberry/Orange no matter what spoon we had taped that way, if it was Rasberry Orange, it caught fish.

Salmon Stalker caught a real dandy of a Rainbow on Thursday, photo to follow.

Get out at first light for the best bite.

Be back up Sunday.

Big John

Re: Barge report 4/29 and 4/30

salmon stalker had a good day john thanks joe s..

Re: Barge report 4/29 and 4/30

Nice fish Joe.

Re: Barge report 4/29 and 4/30

You should have seen the one that got away, he said "I think I hooked the bottoom", I said "90 feet of water and 3 colors, I don't think so".

He had it 1/2 way in, I pulled all the lines and riggers in, no mistakes, he was playing it well, but it got off.

Bummer, must have been a huge Laker.

Big John