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Medical Issue

Hi all
Found out that this morning that I have bleeding in my brain going on, scary stuff. Docs are not doing anything about it at this point unless it worsens, supposedly it will seal itself up. Bad news is no lifting, exertion or strenuous activities. Need to take some time off from work. Doc says dragging the Grady on and off the trailer is a big freakin NONO. So, if anyone is looking for a copilot who can't do anything but watch while you load and alunch, let me know. Not a religious man but if you were so inclined as to say a prayer or two that wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
Throbbin Rods

Re: Medical Issue

hi throbbin rods.i'm sorry to here that.i pray it all go's good for you.and that it is like your doctor said.and it heals on its own.next time i go out i will give you a call to see if you would like to go. all my best.joe s.........

Re: Medical Issue

T-Rod: Keep your chin up. Good luck W-Fat

Re: Medical Issue

I'm sorry to hear that Bill... Next time I am going out you'll be getting a call. Take care of yourself

Re: Medical Issue

Hi Bill,

Could be worse I suppose, let's hope all goes as they say.

I hope it doesn't cause any problems with the new job, that would really suck. As far as fishing, we all like to fish on our own boats, but you know you are allways welcome in the Barge.

We have a full boat for the Derby otherwise I'd have you on with us.

Is it OK to reel in a BIG fish ????????????

Give me a call if ya get bored, I'm always around with an ear for listening. You have my cell number, but I'll give ya my home/office 978-667-3117.

Big John

Re: Medical Issue


Re: Medical Issue

Prayers for a speedy recovery already being sent your way. If we have a spot on the tubb on sunday I'll give you a holla, but you can't have her luck back LOL Take Care God Bless and Don't hesitate to give me a shout either LOL Dave

Re: Medical Issue

So sorry to hear the news Bill.
You have had some awful hard luck for too long. Remember "it is always darkest before dawn"!
I will be thinking of you.

Re: Medical Issue

Everyone from Wyatt's Flys wishes you a speedy recovery!

Re: Medical Issue

Bill you know you can fish with me anytime and I,m completly open for the derby. Like you to show me some more Sunapee sweet spots too. Cal P.

Re: Medical Issue

I will pray for you. Hope you get better. Your also welcome on my boat anytime. If you send me your email address I will add you to my mail list of invites that gets sent out from my fishing calendar on my site.


Re: Medical Issue

sorry to here this bill as i just got done with ortho visit today MRI next week for my knee and i thought i was dailed in on salmon hope all goes well and see you on the pond prayers and best wishes BARRY

Re: Medical Issue

Get better big brother Bill. I am thinking about you.


Re: Medical Issue

Hope all works out and I will say a prayer for you. This happened to my Mother in law and she recovered fine. Are you still able to fish the derby? -Tom

Re: Medical Issue

Thinking about you. And saying a prayer also.

Re: Medical Issue

Still unsure about the derby, I see /neuro again Tuesday and will try ot get a read on that from him. Right now, they don't want me to travel too far from DHMC just in case. I can remember when Don
(Guy that bought your riggers, Big John)and I were probably in our early 20's, had enough money for beer or for gas, not both. So we sat in Don's boat in his apartment driveway with 4 poles out the side of the boat drinking beer. Probably could do that again, although without the beer it might not be as fun.
Thanks to all for the kind words, good thoughts, prayers and offers of a seat. I think we are indeed, one big family here.

Re: Medical Issue

Bill, that's funny about sitting in the boat drinking beer, in your diveway, LOL. Been there, done that. I had a 35 Ford I was building as a kid, did the same thing many a night, sat in it drinking beer, maybe with a girlfriend, etc. never did finsih it, but I'll never forget it. As well as allot of other crazy things I did.

Keep in touch, give me a call tomorrow, I'll be on the pond with Forry and Floydo, ole Russ Johnson is still under the weather, had to cancel. He's been sick allmost a week now.

If I can remember a prayer we'll do it, been a while, but a good talk with the big guy is just as good, that I can do.

Good luck getting a pooch.

Big John

Re: Medical Issue

You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Keep you chin up and follow Dr.'s orders , that along with the prayers sent your way will bring you a speedy recovery!

Re: Medical Issue


Get well soon...your in our prayers.


Re: Medical Issue

Bill, sorry for the late note, just saw your post. Thinking of you... wishing you the best. Craig