Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Bulletin announcement

Attention all parish coordinators or contacts:

Could all the church coordinators please post this in their church bulletin for the up coming Woman's February Cursillo.

Calling all women! Has your husband made a Cursillo and you have not or are you a single female and always wanted to make a Cursillo? Now is your chance, There is a Woman's Cursillo on Feb. 17-20. If your interested please contact your church secretary ______________ at the office or your Parish Coordinators___________________. You will need a sponsor from Cursillo to sponsor you if you are interested in attending.


If every church put this in their bulletin we might have a waiting list for the next woman's Cursillo. This can also be done for the men's weekend.

Re: Bulletin announcement

That's true! We can use this for the Men's coming up...just change gender, date and cursillo number!