Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Prayers for Teresa's Dad

Prayers are needed for my Dad who fell on Christmas Eve and is now in rehab and not handling it very well. He is depressed and isn't confident that he will be able to go back to living independently. He is constantly reassured he's only in rehab temporarily, but he's struggling with it all. Please pray he becomes stronger emotionally and physically so he may be discharged within the time frame originally set for him. Thank you.

Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

Hi Teresa:

Will do. What is his name?


Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

We will pray for your dads complete healing, strength, in his physical and mental needs.

God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

Teresa, May God give your father peace of mind and faith and strength to complete his physical therapy and that he will soon be home and enjoying his independence

Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

I'll pray for your dad. Carol is just starting her rehab and I hope she will accept it and keep a positive attitude. DeColores & Prayers, Ron

Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

Keeping your Dad in my prayers.


Re: Prayers for Teresa's Dad

Arco my dad's name is George.