Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Prayers for Roy Maloney

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. On the 27th of January, Roy fell on the ice and tore the muscle from his knee. He has had surgery on the 31st to reatach the muscle and has to keep it imobilized for 3 weeks and after 12 weeks he will be able to use it again. Please keep Roy in your prayers for a complete recovery.

Re: Prayers for Roy Maloney

praying for a speedy recovery brother !!! we need you out there spreading the word about Cursillo !!

God Bless !!

Re: Prayers for Roy Maloney

I will for a speedy and complete recovery.


Re: Prayers for Roy Maloney

Thanks for the prayers, they are working very well. So far all has gone well but I am basicaly confined to my couch or recliner. This gives me an oportunity to turn this health issue into a positive time. My right knee is in a imbolizer so it must remain straight while my tendons regrow to my knee cap. I have had a chance to connect with our Lord much more than normal. Many times a day I spend time in prayer, readings and listening to inspirational CD's My goal is to turn my 12 weeks of recovery into a time of spiritual growth. Jesus has been with me every step of the way and I have doubt He will be with me during my rehab.
Thanks again for all of your prayers and kind thoughts.