Church Coordinators please post this in your church bulletin as soon as possible and before each men's Cuirsillo:
Calling all men! Men are so lucky they don't have to wait to make a Cursillo weekend like the women. How about a weekend wxperience that you will never forget with a bunch of guys? Then after your weekend give your wife that gift of a Cursillo weekend or another friend. Contact your church secretary or your church
Curcillo coordinators if you need information or to get an application. If you know someone who has made a Cursillo, please ask them about their weekend experiance. Fellow Cursillistas, please search out those who would like to share the experience of Cursillo. (include your church phone number or the parish coordinators phone number.)For more information please contact Pete and Linda Tolhurst Erie County Coordinators for Cursillo. (814) 922-3465