Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers needed for Cindy Srnka

Cindy learned recently that she has breast cancer. She will be having surgery this week to remove lymph nodes. If cancer has spread to nodes she will need radiation in addition to surgery and chemo. She really needs your prayers for healing as well as for peace. Her husband Mark and two sons, Ryan and Nick, are so worried about her, so keep them in your prayers, too. Thank you. BTW Cindy and Mark are Cursillistas from St Boniface Erie.

Re: Prayers needed for Cindy Srnka

Prayers are on their way - for healing, comfort, peace in this difficult time.

De Colores!

Re: Prayers needed for Cindy Srnka

We will pray for Cindy and the family that everything goes well with her surgery this week.