Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Regina is on her way to God's side...

I have been in constant contact with Regina's family ever since Terry Deitz originally asked for prayers for this little 11-year-old girl. This is the most recent Email that I received this morning ...

Kathleen Garrity Murphy Sweeney (Regina's mom)
Prayer Warriors: we are going to need your prayers now! Family is gathering and we will be turning off all machines today I believe. There is too much bleeding and the infection still rages on! We can not put her through anymore! If our goal is Heaven then she has made it. I can not say this is easy; I have never been in more pain in my life and so I ask for your prayers for Regina and the family! Jesus I Trust in You!

Cursillistas - thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of this 11-year-old girl who has suffered a lifetime of pain in the past four weeks. If God wills it, she will be lilfted up to him during Holy Week as was His only Son.

I wish you all a healthy, happy and Holy Easter. De Colores!


Re: Regina is on her way to God's side...

This precious child of God is my prayers that He will wrap His arms around her as He takes her home and give comfort to her family.
God bless,

Re: Regina is on her way to God's side...

I have been praying for Regina and her family since it was brought to my attention last week. As the father of a daughter, it is so difficult to even try and put myself into the position of the Sweeny family. I do know in my heart, mind and soul that God loves them very much and it is also my faith that Regina will be in heaven with our Lord.

I will continue to pray for strength, courage and faith for the entire family.


Peace, Joy and Love
