Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers for my sister-in-law

Please pray for my sister-in-law Cheryl, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer today. The tumor is very large, her bile ducts are blocked, she is jaundiced and the outlook is not good at all. They have a 13 year old daughter and a 24 year old son. This news has just crushed the entire family. Cheryl needs all the prayers she can get for the surgery to be successful and prayers that the cancer is not very advanced...but the tumor is the size of a golf ball so things are not looking very good.

Thank you,
Martha Jones

Re: prayers for my sister-in-law

Cheryl is in my prayers that God guides her surgeons and that she has a full recovery.

Re: prayers for my sister-in-law

Hi Martha:

Tell Cheryl that she is not alone; we are praying for her.

Arco and Janet

Re: prayers for my sister-in-law
