Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayer request for Roy Maloney

Roy Has just found out that he is having a second bout with cancer. Please remember him in your prayers, & also remember all those Mercer County cursiestas who are putting on the July cursillo without Nick and dealing with thier coordinator's health issues at the same time.

Re: Prayer request for Roy Maloney

Let's not just "remember" the Mercer County Cursillistas, let's follow the "action" leg of the tripod, and be there to help!

De Colores!!

Re: Prayer request for Roy Maloney

I will make myself available on Saturday. I will be there to help with noon meal,sing and help in any way that I am needed.

Peace, Joy and Love,
