Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Bulletin Board Reminder

Brothers & Sisters,
Just a reminder that the Cursillo Message Board is for the posting of information relevant to the movement such as prayer requests, important dates, schedule changes & the like.

concerns regarding policie and similar topics are best discussed with the person in charge of the activity or event. If that fails then adress your concern to the Executive Committee.

Thank you and may god continue to bless you,
Dave Jackson

Re: Bulletin Board Reminder

You might want to use spell check sir!

Re: Bulletin Board Reminder

Fortunately, we have a forgiving God who really doesn't care about spelling. The "Spirit" of the law is far more important than the "letter" of the law.

De Colores,