Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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PICNIC ANYONE? see you all there this weekend!!!

Re: Picnic

We're really looking forward to playing at the picnic. Thanks so much to Jeff and Lily Hicken for their warm invitation; we are humbled and thankful. FYI, here is some basic info about us:

Paul Eisert and Joan Papalia-Eisert have been performing together for nearly thirty years as the duo, Fire and Ice, and for seven years with the spiritually-based outreach band, Daystar. They’ve played extensively at various venues in Warren and Erie County (including prisons, nursing homes, and mental health facilities). Their repertoire includes pop, rock, oldies, originals, and some standards. Since 2002, Joan and Paul have also provided music ministry for the Maria House Projects’ Diocesan Lodge in West Spring Creek, PA. The Maria House Projects is a nonprofit organization which provide homes for troubled men who are in need of a community for healing. They include alcoholics, drug addicts, men deeply disturbed emotionally, and men suffering from the effects of homelessness and imprisonment.

Re: Picnic

Paul and Joan,

What wonderful examples of Christian Fellowship the two of you are. Your gifts of music and spirit will uplift the entire day.

You are both a fine example of what the "Fourth Day" is all about.

Peace, Joy and Love,

Terry Bowersox "SOX" Men's 180

Re: Picnic

beautiful words from a beautiful man and dear friend. Thanks so much.