Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers for my uncle

My uncle Pat's nearly three long year battle with cancer is coming to and end. His organs are beginning to fail. His son is getting married in 4 weeks. Their whole family could use all the prayers anyone can spare. His faith is great but that doesn't seem to ease the pain His wife and children are facing right now.I thank you in advance for spending your time praying for another. God Bless and decolores


Re: prayers for my uncle

Hi Jeff:

Your uncle Pat and the family are now in our prayers.


Re: prayers for my uncle

We will keep your Uncle Pat in our prayers for his final journey home to be with our Lord. And for strength for the family during this very difficult time..

God's blessings and prayers
Chris and Debi

Re: prayers for my uncle


Your entire family is now in my prayers. I will pray that Christ will welcome him into the Kingdom.


Re: prayers for my uncle

Your uncle and your family are in my prayers. It's not easy waiting for a loved one to go Home to God. I am praying for God to give you all strength and peace.

Re: prayers for my uncle

Thank you all for the prayers. My Uncle was called home last Friday. He did not have to wait long, nor did any one need to make any hard choices. God took care of all of the choices. Everyone will be alright as they all know how strong his faith was. But my Aunt misses him an awful lot. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Decolores my friends,

Re: prayers for my uncle


Your uncle is now free of pain and suffering. He is now with Chirst. My prayers will go out to all of his loved ones.
