Your support for the men who will be attending Metanoia 26 from Sept. 8-11 will be greatly appreciated. Metanoia is a very powerful experience for these men who are often ostracized, not only from society as a whole, but from their own families. The Metanoia experience provides them with a new family - all of us, under the direction of a very loving father.
Simple neck palanca or a short note that expresses your prayerful support is a great "lever" in the weekend to changing hearts. If you have a little time and can make some palanca, you can give it to us at the Erie Ultreya on Sept. 2. Please remember to sign with your first name only.
OOPS! I forgot that little detail, didn't I?! We generally have around 45 candidates and about 12 inside team members [inmates who have made a Metanoia before]- so if you send 60, we should be good! Any leftovers will be saved for the next Metanoia.