Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Comin soon to SCI Albion: METANOIA 26!!!!!!

De Colores!!

Your support for the men who will be attending Metanoia 26 from Sept. 8-11 will be greatly appreciated. Metanoia is a very powerful experience for these men who are often ostracized, not only from society as a whole, but from their own families. The Metanoia experience provides them with a new family - all of us, under the direction of a very loving father.

Simple neck palanca or a short note that expresses your prayerful support is a great "lever" in the weekend to changing hearts. If you have a little time and can make some palanca, you can give it to us at the Erie Ultreya on Sept. 2. Please remember to sign with your first name only.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Janet and Arco

Re: Comin soon to SCI Albion: METANOIA 26!!!!!!

Hi Janet and Arco,
Can you give an approximate number of candidates? I want to make sure we send enough :)

Re: Coming soon to SCI Albion: METANOIA 26!!!!!!

OOPS! I forgot that little detail, didn't I?! We generally have around 45 candidates and about 12 inside team members [inmates who have made a Metanoia before]- so if you send 60, we should be good! Any leftovers will be saved for the next Metanoia.

