Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Prayers Requested

Friday at 7:00 am my father will be having his pacemaker battery replaced. While this may be routine for most pacemaker owners, my father's fragile state makes this more hazardous than usual. I ask for your prayers that he come through this ok with no ill-effects. He loved the August Ultreya and picnic and is looking forward to next year. I pray that he can be there.

Re: Prayers Requested

I will keep your father in my prayers that he has no complications and that he will come through it with peace of mind.

Re: Prayers Requested

we pray that this procedure goes smooth and that the Good Lord guides the hands of the doctors. We would like to see your Dad next year too !!!!

God Bless,
Herb & Connie

Re: Prayers Requested

Hope everything went well Dave. I'll say a belated prayer tonight.