Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Urgent prayers for Cursillista Greg Scarpino

Sadly, we were notified on Thursday 11/10 by Greg's uncle that they will stop Greg's life support on Friday morning. We were told that there hasn't been any improvement or brain activity in quite some time. If our Lord calls him into His loving arms or, for some miraculous reason, lets him remain with his earthly family, please pray for him and his family to help them endure this terrible ordeal and their pain. We hope that the Savior continues to shower blessings on the Cursillo Movement, one of the finest examples of unconditional love in our Diocese. DeColores & Love to all, Ron & Carol Sivillo

Re: Urgent prayers for Cursillista Greg Scarpino

Hi Ron and Carol:

Greg is in our prayers, and so are you and the family.

I think God will take exceptionally good care of Greg, but it is also true that no matter how you slice it, it is still a difficult time.

De Colores!
Arco and Janet

Re: Urgent prayers for Cursillista Greg Scarpino

I had the privilege of meeting Greg's mom the other day at the voting polls since I recognized the last name and asked her if she was related to Greg. She said that he was her son and told me the same thing that the plan was to shut off life support Friday since there had been no brain activity. I shared with her that the people in the Cursillo movement were praying for her son and for that she expressed her gratitude. I just thought all you prayer warriors would like to know that your efforts on behalf of our brother are appreciated. I think our prayers need to continue that God will take Him peacefully and give his family peace and comfort.

Re: Urgent prayers for Cursillista Greg Scarpino

In our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Urgent prayers for Cursillista Greg Scarpino

More prayers are being offered up for Greg and family.
Even in these things we can praise God.