Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Friend in need of prayers

A very dear friend of mine who lives in Colorado Springs, CO is in need of many prayers. She was hanging something high on her walls and she slipped off the ladder and landed flat on her back and head. She became extremely sleepy and disoriented and had to be taken out of her home by ambulance. She has a 5 year old special needs little boy who needs his mommy! Please pray for her healing.

De Colores,


Re: Friend in need of prayers

Our prayers are with your friend and her little boy -that God will send many Angels their way to provide for their comfort and security. May God's healing touch bring your friend to a quick recovery.

De Colores!
Janet and Arco

Re: Friend in need of prayers

Your friend and her family have been added to our daily prayers. May God's healing powers touch her physically and emotionally as she is apart from her son.