Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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My son Mike's operation on 01/02/2012)

My 42 year-old twin son, Mike, is having major surgery to remove half of his lung due to a large "mass" of tissue in his lung. The surgery is on January 02, 2012 at St. Vincent's. Please pray for him and his wife Alicia who is scheduled to deliver their first baby (a boy) early in January.
Blessings, & Merry Christmas!!
Dcn. Dennis Kudlak

Re: My son Mike's operation on 01/02/2012)

We are praying for Mike, Alicia and Baby Boy.

Janet and Arco

Re: My son Mike's operation on 01/02/2012)

Please know that your son and daughter in law are in our prayers.

Mikey & Jen Gelsick