Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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prayers for my baby niece

My sister's youngest (1 month old) was sent to the hospital today because she stopped breathing. All her tests have come back good. They think she will be ok they are just monitoring her for now. Can still use lots of prayers. Also a big Thanks be to God cause it happened at the doctors office and not at home!
Janet Chandley

Re: prayers for my baby niece

My prayers are with your little niece and all her family. God Bless

Re: prayers for my baby niece

Our prayers go out to your niece, for God's strength and healing

God's blessings
Chris and Debi

Re: prayers for my baby niece

I just wanted to drop a line here and thank everyone for their prayers. My niece is doing much now!

Re: prayers for my baby niece

We will definitely keep this precious baby in our prayers.... Rose