Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

Please use this bulletin board to post message and or prayer requests for the Erie Cursillo Community.

Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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Cursillo Choir

Happy New Year!
Choir sing at O.L.P. on Sat. Jan. 21 Practice at 4:00
downstairs of the Church. Please bring a dessert to pass. ATTENTION to all church Coordinators - we have no church for March 31st. Please let me know ASAP.
We would LOVE to sing at your Church and bring the message of Cursillo with us.

Re: Cursillo Choir

Mr. Nordin,

Thank you for stepping up to head the choir. You have been an inspiration to me since making your Cursillo.

I realize the Cursillo left wing will not appreciate my note but I am wondering if it is a Men's sing or has that all been changed. I have tried to contact one of the spiritual directors several times to get a confirmation but my attempts to get a specific answer have been ignored.

I just want confirmation from some one and I will stop bothering people.

Everyone who knows me; knows where I stand on the issue. I would appreciate any information.

