Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board

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Erie Cursillo Bulletin Board
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our friend Al

Last night our friend and brother completed his journey into eternity. Al Kilheffer made Cursillo 212 in Crawford County at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. It was a hot summer time Cursillo and Al "tuffed " it out with many health problems. With the help of our good and gracious God he stayed the entire weekend and loved every minute of it !! I truly believe it changed his life. Well done Alfred. I ask that you all pray for the repose of his soul. Grant eternal rest unto him O Lord ..... we love and will miss you.
Yours in Christ.
Herb & Connie Palmer

Re: our friend Al

Hi Herb:

Well, this is sad news for us. I first met Al at Men's 212 and he was wonderful. Yes, he had some health issues, but the team took care of him and he had a great time w/ God.

I believe he is having a great time w/ Jesus right now.
