Thank you Fr. Tex for keeping the Cursillo going and sticking to your beliefs. You knew that Cursillo was started to get men involved, have them set a good example and lead others in a Godly way.
You also knew changes weren't needed as the movement has went on unchanged and succeeded throughout the years.
Please help guide those in charge and help them to listen with an open heart. Help them to see that Cursillo is here for everyone involved, not just a select few.
May God Bless you Fr. Tex! I love you and miss you terribly. You will always be my sunshine!
I join you in prayer my brother. I will miss the Men's choir with all my heart; it helped bring me to Cursillo. I don't like the change but change is one of the constants in our lives. Our new Cursillo leadership has failed us.
I believe we must move past our disappointment and saddness and wish the new format well. For the time being I will not be joining them. I may in the future open my heart and mind to the change but for now let us who loved having a men's only choir wish the new choir well and pray they bring new brothers and sisters into the movement.
My brother from #183. I wish you had been present for the Secreteriat Meeting on January 7th. This meeting was open to any Cursillistas to attend. The choir issue was first discussed at the June 2011 meeting, but there was a only a small quorum there and I felt that it was an issue that needed to be raised again. It was an agenda item again at the meeting earlier this month. There was a very candid and fair discussion on this issue. Both sides had opportunity to share points. One point I feel worth mentioning because of a point you raise in your post came from Tom McAraw. During his year as president, this issue came up and Fr. Tex agreed then to allow women to participate in the Choir. After all the discussion a vote was taken. By a 2/3 to 1/3 vote it was agreed to continue to allow women in the choir when it is visiting parishes to sing at Mass. The Saturday night sing will continue to be only for men.
After all that has been discussed, it would have been my preference to keep it a men's choir. That being said, I respect the Secreteriat's decision and will be happy to join my voice in song with whomever shows up to sing.
Let's all remember that Cursillo is first about making friends, being friends and bringing friends to Christ. Let's all be sure that all we say and do is done with this in mind.