I have been saying for a long time that all of our marketing ideas for getting canidates are great but that we need to start with prayer. I am not putting this on everyone else I am starting with me because I am guilty of not asking God before asking a canidate. So I am using this to have some accountability for my self and to hopefully bolster the numbers for March. I am thinking of someone right now that I have asked before and been turned down by and for the next 5 days (cause we are short on time) I am going to pray 10 Our Fathers 10 Hail Marys and 10 Glory Bes every day then ask her again. What I ask of you is to do the same please think of someone and set out this time and pray. Not only for your person but mine. Please DO NOT POST THEIR NAMES ON HERE! It invades their privacy if you would like to post yours so we know to pray for your person feel free but it will be in God's mind regardless! Let see where he leads us!